Level 9

Level 9 is a little race track, as explained by the horse, you have 10 seconds to get to the other side, and there is no way to beat it going “Normal speed”. Image Now there’s a few ways to tackle this. I chose what I thought was the most interesting: “Dont die when the game says you “need to”.

to do this, I re-opened DNSpy and quickly located l9_finish and l9_timer

Starting with l9_time, I quickly spotted the “KillPlayer” trigger in trigger_game_end So I just made it not do that

private void trigger_game_end() { 
private void trigger_game_end() { 

I figured that probably wouldn’t be enough, and took a quick look at l9_finish Immediately there’s a few methods that seem to just count coins, and compare them to if you’ve got them all. That’s a lot of hooplah. Lets just modify OnTriggerEnter to always spawn the flag.

public partial class l9_finish : MonoBehaviour
	private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
		if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
			if (this.gameOver)
			if (!this.checkGameEndRequirements())
			this.gameOver = true;
			UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.speedFlag, base.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

Turns into

public partial class l9_finish : MonoBehaviour
	private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
		if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
			UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.speedFlag, base.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

After these quite easy changes, which were just removing code, I should be good to take a brisk walk to the finish. Image This flag also doesn’t disappear for whatever reason, whatever!


Now all the levels are done, right? Level10

Another Note: The intended solution is a speedhack. You can do this in the inspector by finding your “PoCChar” (Proof of Concept Character) which is your actual character, and inspecting it, then going into MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterRun (It’s more controllable if you do run) then changing the value of CharacterRun.RunSpeed to just like, a high number, after doing this, just run the track! Remember to press shift!