Level 6

Level 6 starts getting a little weird. There’s a cat statue, an apple and we’re supposed to give a fish.

Well, in the previous problem, using DNSpy, I noticed there’s a script called “HasFish” which sounded like the ideal place to start. Image

This method is a little busy, but I immediately am able to pick out the most important part:

this.fishItems = this.inventory.InventoryContains("Fish");

Well… I have an apple, so what if my inventory contains an apple instead?

this.fishItems = this.inventory.InventoryContains("Apple");

I change the script, recompile, and relaunch! Image Tahdah! This gets me the flag, notice how there are some signs at the end of this. When you get near them it says “NO CHEATING ALLOWED BEYOND THIS POINT”.

Wonder what that means.

Anyway, the flag is


and I continue to Level 7